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Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference - square



n., adj., adv., & v. --n. 1 an equilateral rectangle. 2 a an object of this shape or approximately this shape. b a small square area on a game-board. c a square scarf. d an academic cap with a stiff square top; a mortarboard. 3 a an open (usu. four-sided) area surrounded by buildings, esp. one planted with trees etc. and surrounded by houses. b an open area at the meeting of streets. c Cricket a closer-cut area at the centre of a ground, any strip of which may be prepared as a wicket. d an area within barracks etc. for drill. e US a block of buildings bounded by four streets. 4 the product of a number multiplied by itself (81 is the square of 9). 5 an L-shaped or T-shaped instrument for obtaining or testing right angles. 6 sl. a conventional or old-fashioned person, one ignorant of or opposed to current trends. 7 a square arrangement of letters, figures, etc. 8 a body of infantry drawn up in rectangular form. 9 a unit of 100 sq. ft. as a measure of flooring etc. 10 US a square meal (three squares a day). --adj. 1 having the shape of a square. 2 having or in the form of a right angle (table with square corners). 3 angular and not round; of square section (has a square jaw). 4 designating a unit of measure equal to the area of a square whose side is one of the unit specified (square metre). 5 (often foll. by with) a level, parallel. b on a proper footing; even, quits. 6 a (usu. foll. by to) at right angles. b Cricket on a line through the stumps at right angles to the wicket. 7 having the breadth more nearly equal to the length or height than is usual (a man of square frame). 8 properly arranged; in good order, settled (get things square). 9 (also all square) a not in debt, with no money owed. b having equal scores, esp. Golf having won the same number of holes as one's opponent. c (of scores) equal. 10 fair and honest (his dealings are not always quite square). 11 uncompromising, direct, thorough (was met with a square refusal). 12 sl. conventional or old-fashioned, unsophisticated, conservative (cf. sense 6 of n.). 13 Mus. (of rhythm) simple, straightforward. --adv. 1 squarely (sat square on his seat). 2 fairly, honestly (play square). --v. 1 tr. make square or rectangular, give a rectangular cross-section to (timber etc.). 2 tr. multiply (a number) by itself (3 squared is 9). 3 tr. & intr. (usu. foll. by to, with) adjust; make or be suitable or consistent; reconcile (the results do not square with your conclusions). 4 tr. mark out in squares. 5 tr. settle or pay (a bill etc.). 6 tr. place (one's shoulders etc.) squarely facing forwards. 7 tr. colloq. a pay or bribe. b secure the acquiescence etc. of (a person) in this way. 8 tr. (also absol.) make the scores of (a match etc.) all square. 9 intr. assume the attitude of a boxer. 10 tr. Naut. a lay (yards) at right angles with the keel making them at the same time horizontal. b get (dead-eyes) horizontal. c get (ratlines) horizontal and parallel to one another. Phrases and idioms back to square one colloq. back to the starting-point with no progress made. get square with pay or compound with (a creditor). on the square adj. 1 colloq. honest, fair. 2 having membership of the Freemasons. --adv. colloq. honestly, fairly (can be trusted to act on the square). out of square not at right angles. perfect square = square number. square accounts with see ACCOUNT. square away US tidy up. square-bashing Brit. Mil. sl. drill on a barrack-square. square brackets brackets of the form Etymology: . square-built of comparatively broad shape. square the circle 1 construct a square equal in area to a given circle (a problem incapable of a purely geometrical solution). 2 do what is impossible. square dance a dance with usu. four couples facing inwards from four sides. square deal a fair bargain, fair treatment. squared paper paper marked out in squares, esp. for plotting graphs. square-eyed joc. affected by or given to excessive viewing of television. square leg Cricket 1 the fielding position at some distance on the batsman's leg side and nearly opposite the stumps. 2 a fielder in this position. square meal a substantial and satisfying meal. square measure measure expressed in square units. square number the square of an integer e.g. 1, 4, 9, 16. square off 1 US assume the attitude of a boxer. 2 Austral. placate or conciliate. 3 mark out in squares. square peg in a round hole see PEG. square piano an early type of piano, small and oblong in shape. square-rigged with the principal sails at right angles to the length of the ship and extended by horizontal yards slung to the mast by the middle (opp. fore-and-aft rigged). square root the number that multiplied by itself gives a specified number (3 is the square root of 9). square sail a four-cornered sail extended on a yard slung to the mast by the middle. square-shouldered with broad and not sloping shoulders (cf. round-shouldered). square-toed 1 (of shoes or boots) having square toes. 2 wearing such shoes or boots. 3 formal, prim. square up settle an account etc. square up to 1 move towards (a person) in a fighting attitude. 2 face and tackle (a difficulty etc.) resolutely. square wave Physics a wave with periodic sudden alternations between only two values of quantity. Derivatives squarely adv. squareness n. squarer n. squarish adj. Etymology: ME f. OF esquare, esquarr{eacute}, esquarrer, ult. f. EX-(1) + L quadra square
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  I. noun see: quadrate Date: 13th century an instrument having at least one right angle and two straight edges used especially to lay out or test right angles, a rectangle with all four sides equal, any of the quadrilateral spaces marked out on a board for playing games, the product of a number multiplied by itself, 5. an open place or area formed at the meeting of two or more streets, block 6a, a solid object or piece approximating a cube or having a ~ as its largest face, an unopened cotton flower with its enclosing bracts, a person who is conventional or conservative in taste or way of life, a ~ meal , II. adjective (~r; ~st) Date: 14th century 1. having four equal sides and four right angles, forming a right angle , having a ~ base , raised to the second power, 3. being approximately a cube , having a shape that is broad for the height and rectangular rather than curving in outline , rectangular and equilateral in section , 4. being or converted to a unit of area equal in measure to a ~ each side of which measures one unit of a specified unit of length , being of a specified length in each of two equal dimensions , 5. exactly adjusted ; precisely constructed or aligned, just, fair , leaving no balance ; settled, even, tied, substantial, satisfying , being unsophisticated, conservative, or conventional, set at right angles with the mast and keel, ~ness noun III. verb (~d; squaring) Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to make ~ or rectangular , to test for deviation from a right angle, straight line, or plane surface, to bring approximately to a right angle , 3. to multiply (a number) by itself ; raise to the second power, to find a ~ equal in area to , to regulate or adjust by or to some standard or principle , 5. balance, settle , to even the score of, to mark off into ~s, 7. to set right ; bring into agreement , bribe, fix, intransitive verb to agree precisely ; correspond , to settle matters, ~r noun IV. adverb Date: circa 1582 in a straightforward or honest manner, 2. so as to face or be face-to-face, at right angles, with nothing...
Толковый словарь английского языка


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